*Certified Somatic Intuitive Healer. Prounounced "muhl-NAR-ick".
As a business doula & transformational coach, I guide business owners and teams through tough transitions and challenging projects with heart and technical savvy. For 25+ years, I've partnered with brilliant leaders to create extraordinary impact with greater ease—alongside building beloved communities, like KALEIDOSCOPES and Soul Song Sanctuary, and making art & music. Even when I'm not taking new clients, I love creating sparks, collaborating, & connecting others—so please reach out anytime.
shine as a lamp placed carefully for intimate illumination
generate enough wattage to light a stage and a crowd
cross-polinate curiosities & insights to increase our collective awareness—leaving every space/group/human better
create global change by creating brave spaces for us to ignite our myriad truths
©1979-present Jewel Mari Mlnarik. Eureka Springs, AR. Speaking & Events CV | Professional CV | Art & Music CV | Acknowledgement
Prior to my shift into coaching and the healing arts, I was a leadership transition consultant, fractional and interim COO, and cross-functional "project whisperer"—adept at engaging teams & channeling chaos into creative growth through calm confidence.
25 years digital products & projects ◆ Designer → Developer → Architect → Director, Technology → Director, Projects → Founder → CEO/COO → Consultant → Transformational Executive & Somatic Healer
*View my resume for products & media I've built & produced, including Workfrom, Sony Pictures, Grammy's, Nike Run, Tarot.com, PartnerPath, Travel Oregon, .
I believe that we are of the land and intertwined with the land. I'm eternally grateful to the stewards of the lands I have lived, cried, and bled on and the lands that have inspired, held, nurtured, and sustained me.
I currently reside in the White River watershed, just outside of Eureka Springs, Arkansas. I'm privileged to reside on the ancestral lands of the Osage, Quapaw, Očhéthi Šakówiŋ, and Caddo who tended this land for thousands of years before European settlers began displacing and trying to erase them. I also acknowledge that a portion of the Trail of Tears runs through our town, and that the Cherokee, Choctaw, Muscogee (Creek), Chickasaw and Seminole Nations passed through what is now known as Arkansas during this forced removal.
This website is hosted on computers residing on the unceded ancestral homeland of the Ramaytush Ohlone, the pre-colonial inhabitants of the San Francisco peninsula, and an integral and active community in the Bay Area and beyond. I pay my respects to the pre-colonial ancestors of the land we occupy, utilize, and visit—and to the descendants, elders, relatives, and Spirits of their communities—and affirm their sovereign rights as First Peoples.